Information on Chiang Mai and the Far North of Thailand.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rain Rain Rain

Chiang Mai weather and Thailand exchange rates

The wet season is in full swing here in Chiang Mai. It’s my favourite time of the year here. The rain cools the whole place down. Much the same as the 3 deg rise in water temperature (from the great Pacific Ocean drift) Heralds Summer back home in New Zealand. Here in The Far North of Thailand we only have 3 seasons, A very short winter (not so hot) followed immediately by Summer (Hot) As the temperature starts to get unbearable the massive amount of evaporation causes precipitation (RAIN i.e. the start of the WET season).

The Wet Season is more like New Zealand (it can rain any time) If it doesn’t rain for 3 or 4 days it starts to heat up again and the cycle repeats. What goes up must come down.

The Monsoons that sweep across India and the Indian Ocean that just devastated Burma so bad peter out to a good storm by the time they reach here.

The Mountain range (high hills) that run all the way from the Far North of Thailand right down to the South past Bangkok protect us.

That’s not to say we don’t get some bad flooding as the spill over from China rushes down the Mekong River. In 1994 my guest house just off Chiang Mai Lampoon Road (next to the Ping River) was like an island.

Luckily for me my Guest House was built on raised land so I just opened the gates and parked my Citroen up on dry ground.

I went out and hired a large 4 wheel drive until the waist deep water receded.

The biggest problem with the flooding is for the poor. By Kings Decree they can build over flood land and water (no mans land) and not be moved on by the authorities.

Each big storm that we get the Water Board in its infinite wisdom open the flood gates of the large earth Dam on the upper Ping river and flood all the flood land south.

Washing away a few poor but saving Chiang Mai from a wetting. Eventually a country as rich as this will one day get around to building a proper concrete Dam.

You can help the flood relief victims directly by making a
to the Hua-Fai Community flood relief fund by using pay Pal a safe and secure was to donate on the web.

Click this link to take you to Akha Hills PayPal donation page

Or indirectly by buying Akha Hill products.

Click this link to take you to Akha Hill's products page

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About Me

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Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Born and raised in New Zealand. I have seven Children, 4 Girls and three Boys. The two youngest are Thai-European. My main interests are web site design and The Chiang Mai Tourism industry. I supply free and paid web hosting, web design etc. Having been in the Tour and Guest house business in Chiang Mai for many years we are very experienced it the Chiang Mai and the far North of Thailand Tour/travel/trekking industry. You can reach all my sites from or (links in the blogs).